• Strategic Defense Starts with Aggressive Insight

  • Protectors in the World of Bits and Bytes

    Hacking + Securing Your Infrastructure
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Protectors in the World of Bits and Bytes

We are an Oregon-based cybersecurity firm with an offensive mindset, employing cutting-edge techniques to fortify digital defenses through our offensive security engagements.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing emulates cyber threats, systematically identifying system vulnerabilities. This strategic approach empowers organizations to fortify defenses, ensuring robust security against potential breaches.

Red Teaming

Red teaming involves a comprehensive and realistic simulation of adversarial tactics, techniques, and procedures to assess an organization’s security posture. By adopting the perspective of an external attacker, red teaming evaluates an organizations resilience, uncovers blind spots, and enhances overall defensive strategies, providing valuable insights for proactive cybersecurity measures.



Precision in scoping, thorough in assessment. Define the parameters of your engagement with our strategic evaluation services, ensuring a meticulous understanding of your digital landscape.



Experience the power of controlled aggression as our expert penetration testers attempt to infiltrate your systems, identifying critical vulnerabilities.



From identified weaknesses to fortified resilience – trust us to assist you in remediating vulnerabilities uncovered in our assessments, safeguarding your digital assets with precision and expertise.

Strategic Defense Starts with Aggressive Insight

Offensive Solutions

Penetration Testing
red teaming
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