Application Services

Web Application Penetration Testing

Our web application testing involves exhaustive analyses to unearth potential security concerns stemming from programming errors, misconfigurations, and elements within the application architecture. Our meticulous examination delves into each layer of your application, ensuring a comprehensive assessment aimed at addressing vulnerabilities and bolstering the overall security resilience of your system.

Secure Design Review

We’ll engage in a brief series of meetings with key stakeholders, including architects, lead developers, and product owners — the individuals most familiar with your application. Together, we’ll unravel the intricacies of your system, mapping out key components, data flows, assets, and potential threat actors. With this holistic view, the group will collaboratively determine the necessary controls for each data flow, ensuring the robust protection of assets, while also identifying and addressing any potential control gaps. This review process is applicable to both existing applications and, ideally, during the culmination of the design phase for a new application.

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